
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Is Online Social Networking Building Social Capital Essay

This is an agate lineative research paper that examines Robert Putnams comment of cordial Net makeing and brooks arguments that fond Networking Sites atomic number 18 building fond neat as Putnam intended its description. First, this paper go out look for Putnams comment of sociable Capital as soundly as its alternate commentarys. Second, it forget explore the definition of brotherly Networking according to Putnam as well as other(a)(prenominal) comparable definitions. Third, it will distinguish sealed distinctions in the concept of neighborly Networking, Social Networks, and Social Capital.Fourth, it will examine Putnams thesis that Social Capital has been declining overdue to the ripening popularity of electronic appliances, computers, and henceforth, Social Network Sites. Fifth, it will examine alternate arguments that other researchers have made in assembly line to Putnams key arguments. Sixth, this paper will evaluate all of Putnams key arguments comparg ond to arguments directly in contrast with Putnams thesis. This paper will similarly provide personal insights and assessments that existing body of k outrightledge in this ara has non yet covered.Finally, seventh, this paper will conclude that strange to Putnams thesis that Social Capital has been declining due to the growing popularity of Social Network Sites, Social Capital has in fact been growing at a very rapid pace. Introduction Robert Putnams most authoritative work Bowling Alone, which appe ard in 1995, signaled the major changes that the Internet while has brought or so in the daily lives of the Statesns. Since then, the virtual familiarity has grown in leaps and bound as rapid technological advances and innovations radically changed Ameri foundation life.Putnam laid the metrical unit for his arguments in Bowling Alone with Alexis de Tocquevilles observations of Ameri batch life during the 1830s (65). seam that Toccquevilles era basically covered the stinting t ransition of America from the Agricultural climb on to the Industrial term. This was an age where the exodus of rural Americans into American cities to work in factories and pecuniary centers exemplifyed mass migrations as well as increased productivity.Putnam continued laying the groundwork for his arguments as he described the shift from the industrial age to the Computer period through and through a growing body of research on the sociology of economic ontogeny (66). Since Putnams Bowling Alone appe ard in 1995, Putnams Computer Age has already quickly shifted into the Internet Age starting in 1997 as Boyd and Ellison represented in their timeline ending 2006 (212).Note to a fault that the Internet Age signified the start of a worldwide trend in globalisation where offshore manufacturing plants and the off-shoring of m either American jobs created a great impact on American lives and topical anaesthetic communities as well as certain ways of doing work. In this light, th is paper will straightaway explore Putnams detection of American Society through the concepts of Social Capital and Social Networks or Social Networking. Definitions Putnam provided a definition of Social Capital through an doctrine of analogy with sensible and human chapiter as the cordial scientists of the Industrial Age perceived the phenomena (67).For Putnam, physiological and human big(p) pertain to tools and training that rear person productivity while cordial with child(p) refers to the features of a kindly brass such as meshworks, norms, and mixer presumption that facilitate coordination and cooperation for common take in (67). Putnams central premise on friendly capital is that a persons public and private life is severely and immensely influenced by neighborly connections and civil exercise (67).In nominate of this definition, Barish aptly provided a simplified and paraphrased version It makes sense to understand Putnams techniques for describing an d evaluating the American community His argument goes equivalent this A screwdriver is a expensive thing. It can help me build a house, or fix a car, and so it increases two my individual productivity and the collective productivity of my community. Similarly, any social connections that I have, whether with members of my wheel mathematical classify up, friends from the bar, co-members of the local Rotary club, or congregants from my synagogue increase my personal productivity and the productivity of my group.Just as the screwdriver is a piece of physical capital, the social contacts that I maintain constitute social capital and are beneficial to both myself and bystanders in the community. In another light, a literature review provided a to a greater extent thorough definition of social capital in its broad, waxy, and indicative terms covering both its positive and negative indications (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe 1145). Broadly speaking, a 1988 definition of social capi tal refers to the accumulation of resources via the relationships among pot (1145).It has similarly been noted that social capital has an elastic definition relative to the field of study it is being used in (1145). In such divers(prenominal) fields, social capital is comm hardly seen as both a cause and effect or more than in an elaborate way in a 1992 definition, as a sum of resources, authentic or virtual, that accrue to an individual or group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of vulgar acquaintance and recognition (1145). Social capital is usually equated to beneficial results like better public health, lower crime rates, and more efficient financial markets (1145).Meanwhile, indicators of its defy are the following negative outcomes increased social disorder, slumpd participation in civil activities and escalating distrust among members of the community (1145). Having established the good example for understan ding Putnams social capital, the next exploration will be on Putnams perspective on Social Networks. Amusingly, Putnam did not provide a formal definition of social networks but alternatively discussed or described its context as follows1. Vitally important for job agreement and many other economic outcomes 2. Highly efficient, highly flexible industrial districts based on networks of collaborationism among workers and small entrepreneurs and 3. The consolidation of country site offices and small school districts (66). With this context, it can today be discerned that Putnams pore on social networks is work-related or those that pertain to economic value or productivity. Additionally, since Putnams influential Bowling Alone in 1995, social capital and social networks have produced conceptual offshoots as Boyd and Ellison scan in their 2008 definition of Social Network Sites and its difference with Social Networking Sites (211).In simple terms, Boyd and Ellison determine soci al network sites as web-based services that enable populate to show and tell about their social networks resulting in connections that will otherwise not happen among people with existing as well as antecedently existing offline connections in their line of work, schooling, community, family, former community and other narrow down social groups (211).darn Beer makes a fine argument on the enormousness of Boyd & Ellisons definition and that there is a need to classify and categorize Social Network Sites or SNS (517-9), it is evident that aside from the people that are involved in an existing social network, interests like wheel (Putnam) or content like impressions in the case of YouTube (Beer 519) can bond unitedly strangers with similar interests. These make the boundaries between social network sites versus social networking sites enigmatical as Boyd and Ellison attempted to differentiate (211).Distinctions With the above definitions, clear-cut distinctions are now discernib le from the available body of work pertaining to social capital, social networks, and social networking compared with Putnams concepts. Firstly, social capital according to Putnam are make from an individuals public and private life as shown by a persons productivity through social connections and local community involvement. Quan-Hasse and Wellman also note that Putnams social capital is fundamentally special(a) to a neighborhood, city or a country.Moreover, Quan-Hasse and Wellman distinguishes Putnams concept of social connections as interpersonal communication patterns, including physical visits, face-to-face physical encounters, audio calls and social events. In addition, Quan-Hasse and Wellman distinguishes Putnams local community involvement, which is usually termed civic engagement, as the grade to which people become involved in their community, both actively and passively, including such political and organizational activities as political rallies, give-and- manage an d sports clubs.In this regard, Putnams concept is distinctive mainly as geographically-knit in nature kinda than geographically-dispersed. Secondly, from Putnams point of view, social networks are usually work-related or community-related where mutual benefits are produced as results or positive outcomes of a group activity or group activities involving physical put throughs or efforts. In this regard, Putnams concept is distinctive mainly as physical rather than virtual.Thirdly, based on Putnams perspective, social networks involve social bonds among people who see eye-to-eye, face-to-face, and physically in a geographically-knit location while social networks or social networking is social bonding and bridging among people who k innovative each other or even strangers in a geographically-knit or geographically-dispersed location. In this regard, Putnams concept is distinctive mainly as an interaction between people with prior connections versus total strangers.Social Capitals De cline Putnam presented a doom and gloom scenario with the advent of the electronic and/or Computer Age and its manifestations like the mailing list and television. He skillfully used facts and figures to bedeck that Social Capital has bloodd through the following manifestations 1. low voter broadening and substantial statistical differences since the 1960s compared with the 1990s (67) 2. lower public contact attendance in a town hall or in school (68) 3. lower trust in brass (68) 4. ower membership in workers unions, parents-teachers associations, fraternities, religious organizations and other mainstream organizations (68-70) and 5. lower membership in organized wheel leagues and the unprecedented rise in solo bowling (70). Putnam argued that the decreased gross revenue of pizza and beer among bowling lane proprietors is a fitting example of a negative economic trend due to the decline of social capital, when certain groups of people who bowled together now prefer to bowl al one.Note meritable of Putnams five indicators that supported his argument is item 3. lower trust in presidential term. All other indicators involve some form physical action or effort while trust is basically an abstract concept. Social Capitals Rapid Growth Quan-Haase and Wellman carefully noted Putnams thesis about Social Capitals decline and likewise identified C. S. Fischers counter-arguments against Putnams that1. Putnams measures of social capitals decline are invalid and unreliable and 2. he amount of decrease appeared to be substantial from the point of view of Putnam while Fischer argued that it is negligible and short-term. While Fischers counter-arguments against Putnams are not taking a 360 degree turn to illustrate the contrary, Fischers arguments subsequently fueled other arguments against Putnams contentions that showed the other side of the fence. Quan-Haase and Wellman insightfully observed The Putnam-Fischer debate is a continuation of a 150-year long tradition in the social sciences to see if community is declining or flourishing since the Industrial Revolution.In short, the economic changes brought about by applied science like machines and electricity for the industrial revolution or television, electronic components and computers for the Electronic/Computer Age are quite moot and academic. Quan-Haase and Wellman are essentially saying that there will be a natural decline in the railroad business when automobiles replace the old mode of please just like when trains replaced horses, and horses replaced walking.The natural decline in the older applied science as it is replaced by a newer technology does not necessarily represent a decline in social capital rather it all when represents a decline in an old technology. Meaning, new measures are obviously needed to accurately determine social capitals decline or growth. And most likely, social capital has grown rapidly due to the newer technology rather than its opposite or contrary pers pective whether these are supported with figures or not. Quan-Haase and Wellman are basically saying that Putnams facts and figures didnt fit when social capital is evaluated from a historical perspective.Another worthy contention is that Social Capital has, on the contrary, rapidly grew. Since Putnams concepts are too focused on the adult population, Putnam failed to foresee a growing trend among the younger population getting involved in social network sites (Hargittai 280) and technological advancements providing suitable substitutes to face-to-face contact like the web-camera, online team gaming crosswise different geographic locations, broadband, etc. Comparative Evaluations and Insights Putnams definition of social capital and his concept of social network are essentially encapsulated within a by-gone age.First, face-to-face encounters, physical activities, geographic viscidness and the nature of jobs and hence, productivity, have changed and are constantly changing. Second, Putnams view that only the adult population is capable of building social capital could be very limited. Third, social connections and civic engagements could have had change into a different form. Putnam laid the groundwork for his thesis with great leverage on Tocquevilles observation of the Industrial Revolution in America.This groundwork has made his argument shaky and his definition of social capital quite narrow, failing to understand that societies, hence social capital, in fact evolve as new technologies appear from the Stone Age, to the Iron Age, to the Bronze Age and so forth. Cooperation, collaboration and productivity normally improve as new technologies appeared throughout history. search bands now became metropolitan cities with millions of residents. Caves now became mega-structures of skyscrapers that house thousands of humans. The examples would be endless.First, face-to-face encounters are now possible across great geographic distances through video conferencing, net meetings, and the like as teams of people work together across different time zones and different countries. Social Networks and Social Networking are not necessarily limited to websites but could also include the other technological tools that would facilitate communication, collaboration and cooperation. Thus, Putnams social network, which has a local flavor, has now become global. Moreover, various workers across the different U. S. States can now work collaboratively and cooperatively.Moreover, leisure time has also taken new dimensions. While bowling leagues may no longer be in fashion because bowling is in fact an individual sport rather than a team sport, new forms of recreation that encourage teamwork are now available as online games. Physical activities have likewise taken a new and hardy meaning. Individuals now have a wider range of options when, where, and with whom they are going to turn over their time with. Ticket reservations for vacations and other leisurely activities with groups of people now take lesser time to execute.Of course, Putnams argument that trust in government has declined, and this appears to be strong, exemplifies a decrease in social capital,. Yet from a different angle the same facts and figures would actually prove the contrary. Social Capital would have had in fact increased because greater civic engagement is now possible through the power of television and the media. That the low trust in government is simply saying that society is now more aware of what government is doing through television rather than through an actual attendance in a town hall.Moreover, society has become more efficient through the membership dues derived from mailing lists because these huge funds can finance professional lobbyists that would maximize a persons civic engagement. A highly paid professional lobbyist with huge funds representing a huge membership can do more compared to a group of individual amateurs representing a small group o f people in a community. Second, exactly because of social networks and social networking, the youth are now actively involved in a variety of social activities online including collaborative projects, group assignments, net events, and online team sports.Third, social connections and civic engagements have now transformed into a different form. Group chats through the Internet are now possible among friends that are located at great geographic distances where they can view each others faces. Downloading forms and information from a government website is now more efficient compared to actually attending a town hall meeting. Moreover, social network sites are actually populated by people who have prior physical connections with one another rather than total strangers.Conclusion Putnam appears to have overlooked the effects of the various economic transformations brought about by technology that transforms society during the course of history. Thus, making his definition of social cap ital unresponsive to the changing times. However, this paper finds that Putnams general definition of social capital as referring to the features of a social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit is accurate and sound.The finding of this paper is that Putnams drawback appears to have occurred in his explanation of the general definition. This exposition provided metes and bounds that are geographic in nature, physical in nature, and pits people who have already established prior social connections versus total strangers. Migrations due to the nature of jobs, the highly evolved efficiency of transport systems, academic choices and suburban development have essentially dispersed people geographically. Social Network Sites basically strengthens these former social bonds.Most noteworthy also is that technological advances are now providing suitable substitutes that solve geographic and physical limitations making productivity more efficient through better communication, cooperation, and collaboration. The outmatch evidence in terms of facts and figures that social capital has indeed been built up by online social networking is the phenomenal growth and popularity of social network and networking sites. Another is the exponential trade volume growth on Ebay. Of course, the only difference in these observations with Putnams definition is on how Putnam elaborated his ideas.He built his groundwork and framework of understanding on a local and physical aspect that ultimately made him unable to foresee the economic, and thereof social, transformations taking on a global flavor that somehow, everyone is connected and touch with and by another. This is the same reason why civic engagements have also likewise taken a worldwide scope in such organizations as Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund and even through international causes like the fight against global warming and world hunger.

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