
Monday, September 30, 2019

Just war Essay

Wars are not new to the world, they were with the society and may remain until the end of this world, or even be a reason to this world, if there is no timely decisions among all living in this world. War is one end of any conflict. ?Just war is a specific concept of how warfare might be justified, typically in accordance with a particular situation, or scenario, and expanded or supported by reference to doctrine, tradition, or historical commentary. The war between two states may be result for several reasons. Territories, boundaries are the major reasons for the wars between nations. Seas, rivers, channels etc are also the source of source of wars. With the development of nations and development of intellectual thinking and ‘concept of just war’ slowly the intensity of wars has decreased. Now –a-days all the countries are trying to have ‘Balance of Power’ which can safe guard from other nations. Now the wars are mainly by the bigger countries on the smaller countries and the weaker ones are not in a position to defend themselves. This also brought the question whether the wars are just? To maintain peace in this world two Organizations were established, in that first of that kind was League of Nations. . The First World War occurred during 1914-18 due to greediness of Germany. This created huge loss in persons and economy thought-out the globe. To avoid wars in future, Britain, France, America thought to have a World Organization to check and stop the conflicts and wars. As a result of lengthy discussions, and the Treaty of Versailles 1919, was concluded between the member-states. League of Nations was established in 10-01-1920, as a result of a World War strictly speaking it was an â€Å"a child of war†. The main function of League of Nations was to avoid and maintain peace in the world, and it was require to do all that lay in its power to achieve that ideal. There was a check on the size of armaments. The members of the League were required not to go to war without exhausting all the pacific means for the settlement of disputes.

Quintessential Leader Description Essay

The main focus of this research paper is leadership qualifications in the workplace. Please structure a research paper to address the following issues: (A) Develop the academic foundations of leadership by providing a brief literature review of three (3) current articles (that is, within the last 4 years) that relate to any of Daniel Goleman’s theories. Research other articles not use used in the course. Make sure that the articles you choose are appropriate and related to you topic. The articles do not require Goleman as an author. (B ) Describe what you consider to be the quintessential good leader using additional research literature (in addition to those of the previous Goleman literature review) to support your defense. (C) Using the research from the Goleman literature reviews (category A), and the literature used to describe the quintessential leader (category B ), develop a theoretical leadership model with a focus on middle manager leadership qualifications for an existing or fictitious organization. Use one of the teamwork development models from threaded discussion 2.2 as one of the expectation of the leader. In other words, I want you to build an organization with a middle manager (leader) which instills all of the characteristics that you choose to describe, defend, and analyze. This is your chance to put your preferred leadership resource in place. It is recommended that you include at least three characteristics for your leadership qualification model. Note: you have full autonomy to provide the list of characteristics as long as it is defended using proper research methods. Make sure you analyze each characteristic and defend your assertions.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Energy Drinks as an Emerging Social Problem Essay

It seems like there is a new drink on the markets that I beginning to stir some questionable issues on health issues. It does not contain alcohol, but simply is packed with sugar and caffeine. Energy drinks are â€Å"in† right now thanks to the media advertising and trying to sell their products. Debate has been stirred on whether anyone should be drinking these drinks, especially young adults and children. The stimulants contained within energy drinks can disrupt the hearts rhythm, elevate heart rates, cause hypertension, anxiety, headaches, interrupted sleep patterns and in some rare cases can lead to seizures. All of the combined ingredients in energy drinks and their effect are still not fully researched and unknown of the consequences, but definitely it has been figured out that energy drinks are NOT good for the body. What is now just an issued because â€Å"according to doctors† ; might later turn into laws where there has to be an age limit to be able to buy energy drinks. More than likely they won’t become illegal, but there will be a restriction on them for the safety of the younger population in the United States. As mentioned earlier drinking energy drinks is started to become a problem because doctors played the role of claimsmakers. Right now they are trying to convince the general public that something is wrong and something needs to be done about it. To them, consuming energy drinks is a â€Å"troubling condition†. Because of this discovery that energy drinks are bad for the body, the media began to cover this issue. It is not a big issue right now and cannot be described as a social problem because this emerging social problem has really only gotten to the media coverage stage. Time will still tell what the public reaction is going to be. Right now it seems like there has been no reaction to this issue. There are still 3 stages this emerging social problem need to go through; policy making, social problems work, and policy outcome. The claimsmakers have used typifying examples to try to show that energy drink consumption really is a problem. Natural News. com mentions that a 15 year-old boy with ADHD went to the hospital and was suffering from a seizure after drinking two bottles of Mountain Dew and his pill, but energy drinks have 3 to 5 times the amount of caffeine that sodas do. The claims warrants here are simple; something needs to be done to protect the younger population from troubling and unhealthy choices. In conclusion, claimsmakers want restrictions on energy drinks to make it harder for young adults to consume; thus a healthier America. Energy drink consumption seems to be the cigarette of their generation for a lot of young people. Just how cigarettes ended up with laws being made for them, it is very possible that energy drinks will get some kind of restriction on them. This debate on energy drink consumption has begun to get heated and forecasting a big change in policies for energy drinks are very possible in the near future. http://www. devonbate. com/energy-drinks-that-big-of-a-deal/ http://www. foxnews. com/health/2011/02/15/energy-drinks-harming-kids/ http://www. naturalnews. com/032786_energy_drinks_side_effects. html.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Iphone 6concept) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Iphone 6concept) - Essay Example The iPhone 5 and 4s were among other devices examined by two competent firms, HealthyStuff and iFixit, and the levels of toxic chemicals was investigated. These two models were found to have the least levels of toxic chemicals, making them the safest phones in the market. The iPhone 6 holds a lot of promise environment-wise. This phone is expected to have environment friendly features, with less of toxic substances than ever recorded on an Apple mobile phone. There is talk that the iPhone 6 will be partially solar powered (Yarow, 2014). This would bring about a new generation of environment friendly smart phones with technology never applied in mobile phones before. The development of such technology would eradicate the constant concern over the dangers posed by toxic chemicals like bromine and lead. These are chemicals used in the manufacturing of mobile phones. Apple is known to release its new models at prices similar to the old ones’ prices (Napier & Kumar, 2013). Assuming they use the same policy, it is expected that the 32GB model of the iPhone 6 will cost more than $550. This price could change if the company continues to sell the iPhone 5s, since the iPhone 6 will definitely have superior technology. This is bound to have an effect on the price of the product. There is continuously mounting evidence that the next generation of Apple is bound to include some few enormous ‘firsts’. The iPhone 6 is supposedly bound to be the first revolutionary iPhone that will include a large display which is of actual benefit to the user. There is a high likelihood that the iPhone 6 will emerge as the exceptional mass market mobile phone that will feature a crystal display cover made of sapphire. The advantage ascribed to the sapphire display is the fact that sapphire glass may prove to be more resistant to scratches in contrast to gorilla glass. The phone is bound to be more aesthetically appealing and attract buyers based o its display’s durability. The release

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Occupational Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Occupational Stress - Essay Example In economically advanced societies, work and occupation take on a central position in adult life. Occupation defines the most important criterion for social stratification in advanced societies. Occupational settings produce the most pervasive continuous demands during one's lifetime, and they absorb the largest amount of time in adult life (Albrecht et al 2003). Contemporary definitions of stress favour a transactional perspective; this emphasises that stress is located neither in the person, nor in the environment, but in the relationship between the two (Cooper et al, quoted in Clarke & Cooper 2004:5) Selye(1981, quoted in Grant et al 1995) said that work is an essential need for everyone. The question is not whether we should or should no work, but what kind of work suits us best. Consequently, external and internal sources of stress and their subsequent strain has a cause and effect relationship, and are experienced and suffered by employees and workers in their societies. "Occupational stress is a growing problem that results in substantial stress to individual employees and work organizations around the globe. The changing nature of work has placed unprecedented demands on employees and fuelled concerns about the effect this change is having on the well being and the health of their employees and their work organizations" (Anderson et al 2001:93). As social inequalities in health continue to be a key public health problem, scientific theories that explain these inequalities are needed (Siegrist and Marmot 2003). Thus, there are many approaches to occupational stress. They inv olve types of causal and affected variables, and also different labels are used (Cooper 1998). The two most significant models of occupational stress put forth are the (i) Demand-Control-Support Model by Robert A. Karasek, and further developed by T. Theorell as well as by Johnson and Hall and the (ii) Effort Reward Imbalance model introduced by Johannes Siegrist. Comparison and Contrast: The Demand-Control-Support (DCS) Model : Salient Features The demand-control-support model was developed by Karasek and his colleagues during the 1980s. According to this model, psychological demands (both qualitative and quantitative) have more averse consequences if they occur jointly with lack of possibility to influence decisions regarding the job, ie, low decision latitude. Low decision latitude has two components- (i) authority over decisions (the immediate possibility that the individual has to influence decisions regarding what to do and how to do it at work and (ii) intellectual discretion, which is the opportunity that the organization gives the individual to use and develop skills at work so that s/he can develop the possibility of control in the work situation (Moon and Sauter 1996). According to Karasek, who introduced this model, psychological distress is influenced by high demand/low control combinations. Conversely, an increase in control increases job satisfaction. According to

International Trade - Definition, Meaning Term Paper

International Trade - Definition, Meaning - Term Paper Example Commerce includes all those activities, which are connected with trade and auxiliaries to trade such as transport, warehousing, insurance, and banking and finance. In 1980 only 25 percent of the exports of developing countries were manufactured; by 1998 this had raised to 80 percent Davis and Weinstein show that developing country exports are indeed now labor-intensive. This is an astonishing transformation over a very short period. The developing countries that have shifted into manufactures trade are quite diverse. Relatively low-income countries such as China, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka have manufactured shares in their exports that are above the world average of 81 percent. Others, such as India, Turkey, Morocco, and Indonesia, have shares that are nearly as high as the world average. Another important change in the pattern of developing country exports has been their substantial increase in exports of services. In the early 1980s, commercial services made up 17 percent of the exports of rich countries but only 9 percent of the exports of developing countries. During the third wave of globalization, the share of services in rich country exports increased slightly to 20 percent-but for developing countries the share almost doubled to 17 percent. What accounted for this shift Partly it was changing economic policy. Tariffs on manufactured goods in developed countries continued to decline, and many developing countries undertook major trade liberalizations. At the same time, many countries liberalized barriers to foreign investment and improved other aspects of their investment climate. Partly it was due to continuing technical progress in transport Containerization and airfreight brought a considerable speeding up of shipping, allowing countries to participate in international production networks. New information and communications technologies mean it is easier to manage and control geographically dispersed supply chains. And information-based activities are "weightless" so their inputs and outputs (digitized information) can be shipped at virtually no cost. Some analysts have suggested that new technologies lead to the "death of distance" undermining the advantage of agglomeration. This is likely true in a few activities, while for other activities distance seems to be becoming even more important-for example, the proximity requirements of "just-in-time" technologies. The OECD agglomerations continue to have massive cost advantages and technological change may even be increasing these advantages.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Judgment Seat of Christ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Judgment Seat of Christ - Research Paper Example Introduction Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, death, suffering and sin have lost its power over humanity. It has opened to humanity the reality of life to come after this life on earth. This hope, which the redemptive act of Christ gives, brings men and women to the reality that life here on earth is the beginning of persons’ journey towards God. In this way, life’s journey starts from, begins with, and ends with God. However, as the images of eschatology fortifies hope for things to come, it also poses a challenge, for Christians, to take constantly a re-look into their inner lives as well as in their actions because in the â€Å"Second Advent and in the final overthrow of Death† , â€Å"we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad† (2 Cor 5:10). In light of this, research will seek to understand St. Paul’s the judgment seat of Christ. This is significant, as people perceive the judgment seat of Christ with dread. Since, it is commonly ,believed that it is in the judgment seat of Christ that people will account to God what they have done in this life, whether good or bad, and God’s justice will prevail. ... The third segment will be dealing with the ethical challenge pose to the Christian by St. Paul’s the judgment seat of Christ. Finally, the fourth part will be the conclusion. Furthermore, the study will not be providing an exegetical analysis of the text. It will also not provide a discussion pertaining to the debate between Premillennialist, who holds that the judgment is one of the various eschatological judgments and the Amelliennialist who claims that there is only one judgment event. Instead, the research will focus on the relationship between God and man and man between men in the context of Pauline eschatology. Jesus The Son of Man Scholarly works abounds pertaining to the ‘mystery of Jesus’. Acknowledging this fact, the focus of the discussion will be the title Jesus used to refer to himself – The Son of Man.4 It has been observed that the writers of the New Testament have referred to Jesus as the â€Å"Messiah† (Christ), â€Å"Kyrios† (Lord) and Son of God. In this regard, the meaning and content of the Son of Man, which is drawn from Jesus’ own words, are transferred to these other titles.5 In light of this, there are three different interpretations pertinent to the Son of Man. The first interpretation holds that the Son of Man refers to the One who is to come. This differentiates Jesus from the Son of Man and supports the notion that Jesus does not refer to himself as the Son of Man. As such, the first interpretation speaks of the immanence of Jesus and the forthcoming eschatology. On the other hand, the second interpretation, views the Son of MAN as referring to the earthly activities of Jesus. As such, Jesus claims Lordship over the Sabbath, the power to forgive sins and about him neither possessions nor home.6 Finally, the third

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MIB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MIB - Essay Example Wall-Mart Stores operate as chain discount retail stores spread through all 50 states in the US with the growth based on basic but unique operational principles (Ingram, Yue & Hayagreeva 2010). The industry has expanded to incorporate chain stores, multinational operations and lately, the introduction of e-commerce. With success in other foreign markets like Mexico Wall-Mart has potential to expand to the fast growing Asian market like Malaysia amidst technological and logistic challenges in the industry. This paper considers the potential of expansion into this market by analyzing the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and carrying out a PEST analysis of Malaysia. This will be used to examine the potential for expansion into the foreign market and the possible risks that may be faced by expanding into such a market. The analysis bases on the entry mode of foreign market servicing strategy that gives best strategic expansion into foreign market. PEST analysis of M alaysia Political analysis When considering the political system of a nation some of the important elements include the responsiveness of the system to corruption, tribalism (nepotism m), collusion and democracy (if any) and then the overall stability of the government system as noted by Knol (nd). This may include the legislature, judiciary and the executive arms of government. In this case the factors leading to government stability are manifested through the electoral systems, clear separation of powers and the strength of the justice system. The federal constitution monarchy in Malaysia has been able to work out a stable government with reduced political risks manifested (EDC, 2010). The political system has been able to maintain peace with the neighbourhood as well as contain internal conflicts that are a sign of low political risk to foreign investment according to the BBC (2010) and the Encyclopedia of the Nations (2010). As one of the current indicator of business security, political risk manifests in form of internal or border strife, terrorism or other unseen political matters. The Malaysian situation has witnessed internal strife between the major communities in the country (the Malays, the Chinese, and the Indians) that easily cause riots in the country (Knol nd). An example of such a strife is one that resulted from how the word â€Å"Allah† was used hence sparking up nationwide strife in most if not all government system. However, since the worst 1969 strife the communities co-exist easily in spite of the differences in the areas they live in. This means that in hiring labor the company must equally consider job distribution among these communities in terms of type and number of positions to avoid rejection by the locals. In terms of national political governance, the country has established strict immigration controls that may have an implication on foreign traders. Movement into the country may therefore require early arrangements to avo id possible hindrance of movement especially where outsourced employees are of foreign origin. The country is ruled under political monarchial government consisting representation of members from all communities in the country but mainly run by the Malays under the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) and other

Monday, September 23, 2019

China Country Profile Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

China Country Profile - Term Paper Example China’s political system is very much in the hands of bureaucrats and government officials. One has to rely on them to get business done- this is due to the tradition of ‘guanxi’ (Tian n.d) which is about maintaining good relations with the Chinese. In China, it is not the law that matters but the people in power and their interpretation of the law. Due to this very practice, free trade agreements and ease of starting business in China still rests in the hands of bureaucrats and how well one maintains terms with them. Due to government interferences, tariff rates are high but recently, due to globalization, tariff rates have been lowered down in China. Strengthening the ‘reform’ policy (Tian n.d), rates of applicable taxes have also been reduced which has created a favorable environment for new business in China. Economically, China is growing at a rocketing speed and is soon coveted to be the world’s biggest economy beating the US. The average income of Chinese is increasing which signals growth in the demand of consumables and house-hold products. Due to housing subsidies introduced, real estate sector is also booming in China. Socially, China is a very business-favorable nation. Its population reduces doubts of shortage of customers and target markets. Literacy rate is also high in China which means upscale products can easily be produced and marketed. Chinese people prefer products and items carrying the first-mover advantage with them. Urban population in China emphasizes on brand while the rural population is more inclined towards price and quality of products. Due to fast paced urbanization, trend of stylish and high-priced products has picked up in China. It is also a proven fact that due to corruption in China, people tend to report lower income levels than what they actually possess (Tian n.d). Hence, the actual income levels are higher than expected in China thereby highlighting greater disposable income and spending power. China

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Unconscious mind Essay Example for Free

Unconscious mind Essay The word personality originates from the Latin word â€Å"persona† which means mask. From the modern meaning of mask, it means a cover used for disguise. However from the ancient Latin-speaking world, the word is used not to conceal something but to typify or represent a character in theater plays. Thus, personality is what differentiates or distinguishes a person. It is a mask that sets an individual apart from others. For a more detailed description of personality, it is defined as the sum total of the qualities and characteristics of a person as shown in her manner of walking, talking, dressing, and her attitudes, interests, and ways of reacting to other people.   Consequently, to make things simpler and to quote from Glen Allsopp, a popular internet blogger, personality is a set of qualities that make a person distinct from another. Psychoanalysis was pioneered by Sigmund Freud. This perspective believes that there are three levels of awareness or divisions of the mind namely conscious, preconscious and unconscious. Freud represented these levels of awareness through an iceberg. The part of the iceberg visible above the surface is the conscious mind. Just below the surface is the preconscious mind, anything that is not yet part of the conscious mind. Hidden deep below the surface is the unconscious mind, feelings, memories, thoughts, and urges that cannot be easily brought into consciousness. The unconscious can be revealed in dreams and Freudian slips (or slip of the tongue is a verbal or memory mistake believed to be linked with the unconscious mind). In addition, according to Freud, there are three parts of personality called as id, ego and superego. The id works on the pleasure principle. Its goal is instant gratification and satisfaction from our primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses. The ego works on the reality principle. It protects the person against the immediate gratification of the id. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The ego brings the person down to what is real. As an example, when a person is hungry or is sexually  driven, the desire can only be satisfied at the right place and at the right time. The ego controls the person’s actions and allows for higher level cognitive skills. The superego, on the other hand, is the moral center of personality, containing the ego ideal and the conscience, and is the source of moral anxiety. The superego would create perfectionist and civilized individuals that are incapable of compromising what life requires. While the id would create pleasure-seeking individuals whose main goal is to satisfy every desire without delay. The ego balances the person as it compromises what the id desires in accordance to the superego. Carl Gustav Jung believed that there was not only a personal unconscious, as described by Freud, but a collective unconscious as well. This collective unconscious served as a form of psychological inheritance. It contains all of the knowledge and experiences we share as a species. The collective unconscious contains archetypes or models of people, behaviors, and personalities. These archetypes are innate, universal, and hereditary. These are unlearned and function to organize how we experience certain things. The four major archetypes according to Jung are: the self, the shadow, the anima or animus, and the persona. The self is the unification of the consciousness and unconsciousness wherein various aspects of personality are integrated. T he shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is described as the darker side of the psyche. It is composed of weaknesses, repressed ideas, desires, instincts, and short comings. The anima is the feminine image in the male psyche while the animus is the male image in the female psyche. It is represented as the â€Å"true self† rather than the image a person projects to others. Lastly, the persona is how we project ourselves to the world. It is like our social mask that we wear for different situations and groups. It shields the ego from negative images. Archetypes are not limited to the four types previously mentioned nor are fixed. Other archetypes that Jung described are: the father (authority figure), the mother (nurturing and comforting), the child (longing for innocence), the hero (champion, defender), and the trickster (liar, deceiver) among others. Psychiatrist Alfred Adler proposed feelings of inferiority as the driving force behind personality and developed the birth order theory. Firstborn children with younger siblings feel inferior once those younger siblings get all the attention and often overcompensate by becoming overachievers. Middle children feel superior over the dethroned older child while dominating younger siblings and they tend to be very competitive. Younger children feel inferior because they are not allowed the freedom and responsibility like those of the older children. Frank Sulloway, another theorist proposed that birth order has a profound effect on one’s personality. Firstborns are more dominant, less open to new ideas, and more conscientious than later-born children. Consequently, later-born children are more open and rebellious.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Being A Passive Listener English Language Essay

Being A Passive Listener English Language Essay Listening is a prerequisite of learning. It involves hearing, attending, understanding, remembering, evaluating and responding to spoken messages. We cannot understand , learn or remember something unless we pay attention. A passive listener is one who pays low concentration and effort into what is been communicated, which may be attentive or supportive but occurs without further conscious engagement from the listener, this unresponsiveness may represent a failure on the part of effective listening skills with school,family ,friends and co-workers. There are numerous disadvantages of passive listening. Being a passive listener is an unresponsive act, it may affect an individuals academic progress, social and official interactions. In class participation may be highly important but being a passive listener deprives one the opportunity of staying focused. it brings about low intake during lectures and study hours. More concentration could have been made within the time spent on mopping or interacting with other folks. The passive listener tends to hear words but does not really listening to the words nor the deep meaning of them. The listener is known for staying at a surface communication level and never understands the deeper significance of what was being said. Being a passive listener is a very bad skill for students because they tend to loose a lot during lectures and classes. A passive listener might be present in class but isnt paying total attention to what is been taught . They could be easily distracted when been spoken to because they tend not to have their minds on what is being taught and because of this they tend to loose the most vital information during lectures ; instead of taking down important notes in class, their minds wander so they only collect little or no points and information which is not really important. Hence, they do not get most out of a lecture can affect a student during exactly because they tend to be lost. It is a largely inactive process which leaves the individual clueless. They do hear the words but find it extremely difficult to understand or to empathize with the speakers intention. The listener tends to listen logically and is more concerned for content than for feeling ; this makes the listener emotionally detached from the conversations, by this attitude friendships may be ruined as well. Passive listeners tend to destroy their short or long term relationships and friendships, it also gives an unpleasant impression about people, it sends around the idea that the listener isnt interested in paying attention to what is been said, due to the fact that they do not take in a lot from the senders messages , this could be either personally or professionally informations. Personal information could include social relationship , marriage complains , school issue , break ups, unwanted pregnancy and so on. If sender could find confidence in an individual. Being a passive listener can also affect ones communication with friends and family or even in work places due to the fact that passive listener makes one not to communicate properly because the passive listener cannot give inputs, opinions and supportive words but instead waits for a speaker to response what the individual has to say . being a passive listener also makes one not to react while listening or even give verbal dues to show they are listening e.g. nodding , blinking of eyes , questioning etc. Hence, if you care for someone you would pay attention to their lives too, thats what good friendships are made of. Being a passive listener does not motivate one to be active student because passive listeners tend to be dull and not responsive in class because they tend not to understand the speakers pattern of organization. i.e. what the speaker is ariving at and how the speaker is getting there. passive listening can also make one to be an unmotivated listener because a passive l istener may not know why listening is important because they do not even have the time to determine why what the speaker is saying is important to them. Low motivation to examine the text critically or at an in-depth level. other factors may include ; low motivation to study , poor reflection skills and unprogressive reading. Important pieces of data and assumptions may be missed. Data and assumptions that are perceived by the passive reader are accepted at face value or are examined superficially, with little thought. Being a passive listener can also affect ones communication with friends and family or even in work places due to the fact that passive listener makes one not to communicate properly because he/she cannot give supportive words but instead waits for a speaker to response what he/she has to say . being a passive listener also makes one not to react while listening or even give verbal dues to show they are listening e.g. nodding , blinking of eyes , questioning etc. They receive information has though bing talked to rather than as being an equal partner in the communication process. A passive listener is a big assumer. they believe the communication is the responsibility of the speaker. Little do they know such listening habit can lead to dangerous misunderstandings because there is insufficient communication. Being a passive listener can make one not to have high grades during tests or exams , which have happened due to the fact that the listener did not develop organized notes for study time and has less knowledge when it comes taking in good ideas from class topics. Getting low grades is an end factor of being a passive listener , not only does it reduce the performance of the passive listener but it may also decrease the individuals self confidence academically and socially. They tend to tune in and tune out unexpectedly. They are somewhat aware of others but mainly pays attention to self thoughts. They follow the discussion only enough to get a chance to talk. Their listening is quiet and unresponsive, such a listener will often fake attention while thinkin g about unrelated matters , forming rebuttals or preparing what he wants to say next. According to the english writer Chesterton G.K there is a lot of difference between listening and learning. Listening is when an individual puts full concentration or is consciously aware of the communication from the speaker while learning is perfectly likewise to listening but the big difference is the response and features of the listener when questions are being asked. The passive listener tends to misunderstand the of actually relating with each sentences that comes from the speaker; and writing it down on paper for more understanding However, every individual should master good listening skills as it is important in every aspect of our lives. Poor listening skills brings about nothing but no preparation and unawareness for an individual. A good listener will defiantly learn and progress more with academics and social interactions with friends and family. It takes a great individual to be a good listener

Friday, September 20, 2019

Role of E6AP in Malignancies and Tumorigenesis

Role of E6AP in Malignancies and Tumorigenesis INTRODUCTION Leukemia is a malignant hematological disorder characterized by proliferation of abnormal white cells that infiltrate the bone marrow, peripheral blood and other important organs. Leukemia arising from myeloid cells is known as Myeloid Leukemia which may either be chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and/or acute myeloid leukemia (AML). AML is a complex disease caused by mutations, deregulated gene expression and epigenetic modifications leading to increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells. Several important molecular markers have been discovered in AML to better characterize patients. C/EBPÃŽ ± is an important regulator of Granulopoiesis. Several groups have reported mutations in the C/EBPÃŽ ± gene in a subset of patients with AML presenting with normal karyotypes. A significant percentage of AML patients without chromosomal translocations have demonstrated abnormalities in C/EBPÃŽ ± protein or function, suggesting that loss of transcriptional control is a common mechanism of leukemogenesis. Even in the setting of other proleukemogenic genetic abnormalities, such as the (8; 21) translocation, C/EBPÃŽ ± has been demonstrated to be aberrantly regulated, in this case by down regulation of expression. Functional alterations of C/EBPÃŽ ± in AML include mutations of the C/EBPÃŽ ± gene and deregulated expression of C/EBPÃŽ ± by chromosomal translocations. Further, post-transcriptional or post-translational suppression of C/EBPÃŽ ± has been demonstrated to be involved in hematopoietic malignancies. AML is also characterized as, a malignant disease of hematopoietic system in which cells accumulate in an undifferentiated state due to mutations that prevent their normal differentiation and allow undifferentiated cells to survive and proliferate. The molecular changes that occur in AML usually lead to either abnormal cell proliferation (FLT3 and Ras mutations) or block in differentiation (AML1/ETO, PML/RAR alpha, C/EBPalpha mutation s) or suppression of apoptosis (bcl2 overexpression). Despite of block in differentiation, native AML cells often show some morphological signs of differentiation that allow a classification into different subsets, and further differentiation may be induced by exposure to various soluble mediators, e.g., all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) and several cytokines in t(15;17). All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is a derivative of vitamin A and it affects cellular development including haematopoiesis, in particular granulocytic differentiation. ATRA could induce a dose-dependent differentiation of HL-60 promyeloblasts to mature, functioning neutrophils. ATRA induces growth inhibition, differentiation, and apoptosis in cancer cells, including acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). In APL, expression of promyelocytic leukemia protein retinoic acid receptor (PMLRARÃŽ ±) fusion protein, owing to the t (15; 17) reciprocal translocation, leads to a block in the promyelocytic stage of differentiation. E3 Ubiquitin ligases are a large family of proteins engaged in the regulation of protein turnover and activity through a multistep proteolytic cascade, called ubiquitination. Ubiquitination of a target protein involves 2 distinct steps: covalent attachment of multiple ubiquitin molecules to the protein substrates and degradation of the polyubiquitylated proteins by the 26S proteasome system. The first step is mediated by a cascade of 3 enzymes: ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1), ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2), and ubiquitin ligase (E3) [1, 2]. Ubiquitin is a 76-amino acid polypeptide that is highly conserved among eukaryotic organisms. It is first activated in an ATP-dependent manner via binding to E1 through a thioester bond between a cysteine residue at the active site of E1 and the C-terminal glycine (G76) of ubiquitin. Activated ubiquitin in an E1-ubiquitin complex is then transferred to E2, which also participates in the formation of a thioester bond between its active site cy steine residue and the G76 of ubiquitin. Finally, ubiquitin is covalently attached to the target protein through an is opeptide bond between the G76 of ubiquitin and the ÃŽ µ-amino group of an internal lysine residue of the target protein, in a reaction catalyzed by E3 ligase. Subsequent to the linkage of ubiquitin to the target protein, a polyubiquitin chain is formed in which the C-terminus of each ubiquitin moiety is linked to a specific lysine residue (most commonly Lys48) of the previous ubiquitin to form K48-linked polyubiquitylated conjugates which are rapidly recognized by the 19S regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome and degraded by the 20S core particle [1-3]. There are approximately 600 E3 ligases in the human genome that can be classified into 3 major types the N-end rule ubiquitin ligases; HECT-type; and the RING-type, on the basis of domain structure and substrate recognition[1]. The N-end rule ubiquitin E3 ligases target protein substrates bearing specific destabilizing N-terminal residues, including Arg, Lys, His (type I) and Phe, Trp, Leu, Tyr, Ile (type II)[1]. The second type HECT (homology to E6AP C-Terminus) E3-ubiquitin protein ligases, found from yeast to humans range in size from 80kDa to more than 500kDa. They are characterised by the HECT domain, a C-terminal region of approximately 350 amino acids in length with significant similarity to C-terminus of E6AP. Unlike RING E3s which act as scaffolds facilitating interaction between E2s and substrates, HECT E3 ligases form an intermediate thioester bond with the ubiquitin C-terminus through an evolutionarily conserved cysteine residue before catalyzing substrate ubiquitination. Hence, HECT E3s play a direct catalytic role in the final attachment of ubiquitin moieties to target proteins. The N-terminus is highly variable and may be involved in substrate recognition. On the basis of distinct amino acid sequence motifs within the N-terminus, human HECT E3s can be classified into 3 sub-families: HECT E3s with RLDs (RCC1-like domains, termed as HERC (HECT and RCC-1like domain E3s), HECT E3s with WW domains (called Nedd4/Nedd4- like E3s), and HECT E3s that neither contain RLDs nor WW domains (called SI(ngle)- HECT E3s). E6AP, the prototype of HECT E3 family belongs to the third sub-family of HECT E3 ligases [3-5]. The third and the largest type of E3 ligase is the RING (Really Interesting New Gene) family. RING-based E3 ligases are specified by over 600 human genes surpassing 518 protein kinase genes. These are characterised by a classic C3H2C3 or C3HC4 RING finger domain with a characteristic linear sequence Cys-X2-Cys-X9-39-Cys-X1-3-His-X2-3-Cys/His-X2-Cys-X4-48-Cys-X2-Cys, where X can be any amino acid. The RING domain provides a docking site for the E2 enzyme, which mediate transfer of ubiquitin to the substrate, facilitating assembly of mono- or polyubiquitylated conjugates via different lysine residues of ubiquitin. The resulting modifications have a diverse range of biological functions, from proteasome-dependent proteolysis (Lys48- and Lys 11-linked polyubiquitin) to post-translational regulation of protein function, structure, assembly, and/or localization (Lys 63 and other linkages)[1, 6]. E3 ligases can also be classified into single subunit E3s (e.g. Mdm2, Cbl) and multi-subunit complexes (APC, SCF). E3 enzymes bind their target substrates through various protein-protein interaction domains (e.g. WD 40 repeats). However, for substrate recognition post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation or proteolytic cleavage are required[7]. The modified motif in the substrate is called degron. There are many different types of degrons (e.g. phosphodegron, PEST). Once modified, a degron in a substrate might be recognized by a specific E3 ligase, which forms the basis for its subsequent ubiquitination[8]. Through ubiquitin-mediated covalent modification of diverse range of cellular proteins, E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate several cellular functions or biological processes such as cell cycle progression, Oncogenesis, signal transduction, transcription regulation, DNA repair, endocytois, transport and development via proteolytic or non-proteolytic mechanisms [2, 9]. A direct molecular link between cell-cycle control, Oncogenesis and E3 ubiquitin ligase activity was supported by several clinical findings and wealth of experimental data on E6AP, SKP2 and FBW7, Nedd 4-1, Pirh2, CDC20, CDH1 and also on other E3 ligases [3, 10, 11]. Understanding the physiological role of E6-AP, the founding member of the HECT E3 family, is of interest because inactivation of UBE3A gene encoding E6AP has been associated with Angelman Syndrome, a hereditary neurological disorder. Moreover, in the case of cervical cancer, the E6/E6-AP complex not only targets p53 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation, but also targets other proteins, which is necessary for HPV-induced cervical carcinogenesis[12]. E6-AP forms a stable complex with the adaptor protein E6. The dimeric complex binds to and targets p53 for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, thus eventually interfering with the negative growth regulating activities of this tumor suppressor protein [13-15]. In addition, the expression of E6-AP protein is decreased in human invasive breast and prostate cancers compared with their adjacent normal tissues. This down-regulation of E6-AP is accompanied by the elevation of ER in breast and AR in prostate carcinomas[16]. Furthermore, in vivo data fro m E6-AP-knockout animals indicated that the expression levels of ER and AR are increased in E6-AP-null mammary and prostate glands, respectively, when compared with that of normal control animals, suggesting that E6-AP modulates the protein levels of ER in breast and AR in prostate glands [17]. E6AP, a 100-kDa cellular protein is a member of functionally related E3-ubiquitin-protein ligases defined by the domain homologous to the carboxy terminus hect domain.20 E3 ligases ubiquitinate and degrade several regulatory proteins including p53, p27, promyelocytic leukemia retinoic acid receptor ÃŽ ± and others, which serve as tumor suppressors and cell-cycle inhibitors. E6AP promotes C/EBPÃŽ ± ubiquitination leading to its proteasome-mediated degradation and thus functional inactivation. E6AP negatively regulate Granulopoiesis by targeting C/EBPÃŽ ± for degradation via ubiquitin proteasome pathway. Promyelocytic leukemia tumor suppressor (PML) has been recently identified as a target of catalytically active form of E6AP. PML tumor suppressor is essential for the formation of PML nuclear bodies. Recent studies have implicated role of PML and PML nuclear bodies in the regulation of growth inhibition, senescence and apoptosis. PML is down regulated in multiple human cancers and experimental data has correlated reduced PML activity and expression to E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of E6AP, regulating protein turnover and activity[18]. Recently, Annexin I involved in the inhibition of cell proliferation, regulation of cell differentiation, anti-inflammatory effects, cell death signalling, carcinogenesis has been identified as a novel target of E6AP in addition to classical substrates, including p53 tumor suppressor, PDZ domain-containing protein scribble, a transcriptional repressor of the gene encoding hTERT[19]. In addition, studies have also implicated the role of E6AP ubiquitin ligase activity in ubiquitin-dependent degradation of Peroxiredoxin1 and presumably open avenues to investigate the functional link between lack of E6AP expression and stability of Peroxiredoxin 1with regard to the pathogenesis of Angelman syndrome[20]. p53 is targeted for proteasomal degradation by mdm2 which is a p53 target gene containing E3 ubiquitin ligase activity[21]. While mdm2 targets p53 for degradation, mdm2 is self -ubiquitinated and degraded. Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21waf/cip, another p53 target gene, is degraded by proteasome and GSK3 (glycogen synthase kinase 3) mediated phosphorylation [22]. Rb (Retinoblastoma) protein is a tumor suppressor and negatively regulates G1/S transition by interacting with E2F transcription factor. Rb protein is degraded in an ubiquitin dependent manner [23]. In addition, free E2F is also degraded in ubiquitin dependent manner by the 26S proteasome. Thus, collectively HECT domain containing E3 ligases are important for homeostasis of protein levels and defects in their function may lead to various diseases including cancer. Thus, wealth of experimental data and clinical findings identifying many substrates targeted by E3 ubiquitin ligases, indicate that the deregulation of Ubiquitin proteasome system in cell cycle control is tightly linked to malignancies and tumorigenesis. Due to the above relevance and role of E6AP in malignancies and tumorigenesis The project is based on the expression, purification and validation of GST tagged protein that is GST- E6AP. The current study includes Cell culture: HL-60 cells, a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. HL-60 cells treated with 1uM ATRA for 0,24 and 48 hours. GST- E6AP Protein expression and purification: GST-E6AP Pull down: Objectives: 1) Expression of GST and GST-E6AP plasmids in BL21 strain of E.Coli 2) Purification of GST and GST-E6AP proteins from BL21 strain of E.Coli 3) Validation of expression through western blotting 4) To detect GST-E6AP protein interaction with whole cell lysates of HL-60 cells treated with 1ÃŽ ¼M ATRA for 0, 24 and 48 hrs GOMTI NAGAR EXTENSION, LUCKNOW

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Al Capone Essay -- essays research papers

Al Capone I: Al Capone was born in New York City in 1899. His father, Gabriel and his wife, Teresa, came to America in 1894. They brought their two kids, Vincenzo, and Raffaele. In 1895 their third son was born, who they named Salvatore. II: The Capone family was nice and quit, Gabriel never hit the kids, he just "preached" to them and they'd listen. "...nothing about the Capone family was inherently disturbed, violent, or dishonest." Gabriel became an American citizen in 1906, his children all had Italian names but for the outside world they'd have different names. III: After Al was born Gabriel moved the family to an apartment above his barbershop in Brooklyn. This move would influence Al forever, he was exposed to other nationalities, Swedes, Irish, Germans, and Chinese lived in the neighborhood instead Italians as it had been. Education didn't mean much for many in New York, after you got out of high school you'd probably get a job. Al had good grades until he entered 6th grade. When he was fourteen he yelled at a teacher who hit him, he hit her back and was expelled from school, he never went to school again after that. About the same time that happened his family moved to a neighborhood that had a long lasting impression on him. This is where he met his first crime boss, Johnny Torrio and his future wife, Mae. IV: Johnny Torrio was a smart crime boss. He realized you needed brains and allies to survive. Many young boys worked for him, running errands mainly. But he started to trust the young Al Capone and gave him larger jobs to do. Many kids were in gangs, wether it be gangs of nationality, Irish, Italian, German, or ones of religion, Jewish gangs. V: Al was a good kid, came home on time and helped the family. No one would have suspected Al of becoming a mob boss. For awhile he worked at regular jobs, first a munitions factory then worked as a paper cutter. Frankie Yale was another crime boss except just the opposite of the "peaceful" Johnny Torrio. He built his gang off muscle. Yale opened a bar on Coney Island called the Havard Inn. Johnny Torrio got Al a job working there as a bartender. VI: Capone’s job at the Harvard Inn was to be a bartender, a bouncer and even wait on tables. One day he was waiting on a young couple and he leaned over and said to the woman "Honey, you have a nice ass and I mean that as a c... ...Jack Guzik and Frank Nitti. Later that year Ralph was indicted on tax evasion charges, he wasn't smart about covering up his money like Al was. "The Untouchables" had enough evidence to get permission from judges to take down Capone's breweries. The government realized they need a man inside and sent Michael J. Malone and another agent. XXI: Records from a raid on Hawthorne Hotel showed financial operations of the Hawthorne Smoke Shop. Al Capone opened a soup kitchen for those who lost their jobs in the great depression to try and restore his image in 1930. XXII: The Untouchables had taken over forty-five of Capone's trucks and raided tons of breweries. Wiretaps proved how bad things were going, a big blow was when a brewery was raided that produced 20,000 gallons a day. XXIII: Capone was arrested and brought to trial. He didn't worry too much since he had bribed the jury, the judge found out about this and changed the jury so it would be a fair trial. Capone was convicted of a few counts and was sentenced to 11 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. http://www.crimelibrary.com/gangsters_outlaws/mob_bosses/capone/index_1.html?sect=15

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Underneath My Skin - Original Writing :: Papers

Underneath My Skin - Original Writing I am 15 years old, and I hate my life. My parents are dead, I have no friends, I get bullied every day, and the worst of it is that I can't do anything about it. I now live in Omaha, Nebraska with my aunt, Patrice, who just made 21 and is never home. She is my last living relative. At school this kid named Brian messes me all the time. I never fight back because I'm just peaceful like that. I get good grades (I have nothing else to do with my spare time except homework). I earn my own money by playing craps behind the school with loaded dice. That's why I don't have any friends. So I was walking home and here comes Brian with his sidekick Jim. Brian says, "Hey punk how's it goin'?" Then Jim says, "Yeah punk." I say, "I'm doing fine." "Gimme all your money, or my fist and your face will become good friends." Then he pushes me. All of a sudden, something came over and I just start wailing on the guy. I get up, look at Jim and say, "You want some of this?" He stands there in fear for a while and runs away. The rest of the way home I kept thinking about what happened, thinking about what came over me. In the middle of deep thought, I heard a voice say, "It was me." I looked around and no one was there. So I blew it off and went on home. I got home, laid on my bed still thinking about what happened. There was that voice again, "It was meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Makius." Now I knew something was up. "Who's there?" I said. "You don't know me but I know you very well," said the voice. "You know me," I said. The voice then said, "Yes, I know about the time when someone tripped you and everyone laughed. I know about the time when some bully stole your shoes, and wore them the next day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bell Rock Lighthouse Essay

5 WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR I. (i) The words ‘mind is without fear’ mean that one does not have any fear of oppression or compulsion. The poet is talking about the minds of the people of his country. He says so because his country was under the subjugation of the British, who perpetrated all sorts of oppression on his countrymen. (ii) The words ‘the head is held high’ mean to have self respect. The head is bowed down because of exploitation and oppression of the Indians by the British. It needs to be held high with pride and dignity which characterised the Indians before India was reduced to the status of a subjugated nation. (iii) By the words ‘Where knowledge is free’, the poet wants to say that in his country everyone should have the freedom to acquire knowledge without any restriction. The restrictions imposed on the spread of knowledge include the prejudices based on wealth, caste and religion. Further, the British imposed restrictions on the basis of the ruler (the British) and the ruled (the Indians). They curbed the freedom of speech and expression by putting restrictions on the Press. (iv) Due to the restrictions imposed on the spread of knowledge, people remained glued to their outdated customs and traditions and could not think rationally. (v) A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines divided into an octave (the ?rst eight lines) and a sestet (the last six lines). The octave presents an idea, raises an argument, makes a proposition or poses a problem, whereas the sestet gives a solution to the problem posed by the octave. The poem ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ comprises an octave, in which the poet talks about the wonderful qualities his countrymen must achieve to make their country free and heaven-like. Since this poem is only a part of the complete song in his Nobel Prize winning work, Gitanjali, we can say that this poem is a part of the complete sonnet. II. (i) According to the poet, the narrow domestic walls or divisions based on caste, class, colour, religion, creed, region and superstitions break up the world into fragments or mutually exclusive compartments. (ii) The narrow domestic walls refer to narrow local divisions created 6TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) by prejudices like caste, colour, creed, region and religion. They are called ‘narrow’ by the poet because they are based on age- old customs and traditions and not on the basis of rational thinking. (iii) The narrow domestic walls can harm the nation by creating divisions among people and thereby, undermining the unity and  integrity of the nation. (iv) The poet wants to say that his countrymen should be able to express themselves truthfully without any fear. He feels so because his countrymen at that time did not have freedom of expression as various restrictions were imposed on the freedom of speech and the Press by the British. (v) Examples of alliteration are: (a) Where the world (b) Where words (vi) The poet shows that he has a religious outlook by praying to God to let his country awake to a blissful heaven of freedom. III. (i) ‘Tireless striving’ means to work hard without getting tired to achieve perfection. The poet wants his countrymen to achieve  the highest goals, i. e. , freedom at all levels — political, religious, spiritual, moral and intellectual. (ii) Reasoning allows a person to have clarity of thoughts without being restricted by narrow domestic walls such as caste, colour, creed, religion, region and superstitions. That is why it has been compared to a clear stream which is free of all impurities. (iii) ‘Dreary desert sand of dead habit’ is a metaphor. Through this metaphor the poet wants to say that his countrymen should work for perfection in everything and should not be led astray from their goal in the dry desert of dead habits, i.e. , in a place where outdated customs and traditions are followed. (iv) According to the poet, the hurdles in achieving perfection include the outdated customs and traditions based on irrational thinking rather than sound reasoning and scienti? c thought. (v) The ? gure of speech in the third line of the given extract is a ‘metaphor’. For explanation refer to answer (iii) above. (vi) This poem by Rabindranath Tagore is taken from his original volume called Naibedya, which bears the title ‘Prarthana’, i. e. , prayer. In this poem, the poet prays to a universal father-? gure, i. e.  , God to let his country awake to a blissful heaven of freedom. Thus, the poem is a song of prayer. 7 IV. (i) ‘Thee’ refers to God. (ii) The mind of the poet’s countrymen is to be led forward to the ‘heaven of freedom’, i. e. , to an ideal state where there is total freedom at all levels — political, religious, spiritual, moral and intellectual. (iii) The phrase ‘Heaven of freedom’ means an ideal state, where the poet wants the Almighty to lead his countrymen to. The three qualities required to be able to attain the heaven of freedom include: (a) there is no oppression and people can hold their heads high in self-respect. (b) there are no prejudices based on caste, colour, creed, religion, region and superstitions. (c) people should work tirelessly to attain perfection in everything by following scienti? c thought and rational thinking, without being led to follow obsolete traditions and customs. (iv) ‘Father’ in the above extract is a reference for God. He will awake the country by leading the poet’s countrymen to a heavenly state where there are all kinds of freedom and where they can hold their heads high in self-respect, without any fear of oppression or compulsion. (v) The poet prays for his country to attain all kinds of freedom —  political, religious, spiritual, moral and intellectual. And only then it will attain the blissful heaven of freedom, an ideal state where his countrymen would be able to hold their heads high in self-respect, will not have a blurred vision based on prejudices and work tirelessly to attain perfection in every sphere of life. I. (i) The Inchcape rock is referred to in the extract. The rock lay hidden in the sea off the east coast of Scotland. It sometimes remained hidden under sea water during the high tide. (ii) The words ‘surge’s swell’ mean the sea-waves moved up and down and rose high due to the in? uence of tides. The warning  bell refers to the bell placed on the Inchcape rock by the Abbot of Aberbrothok, to give a warning to the sailors about the danger from the rock. The warning bell was placed on a buoy and during high tides the movement of waves made the buoy to ? oat and in turn rang the bell and warned the sailors. THE INCHCAPE ROCK 8TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) (iii) The Rock was said to be perilous because many ships had been wrecked by it when it remained covered by sea water during a high tide. Sir Ralph’s ship struck against the Inchcape Rock and drowned in the sea. (iv) The Head monk of a monastery or church is known as an  Abbot. The mariners blessed the Abbot Aberbrothok because he placed a bell on the Inchcape Rock, which gave a warning to the mariners about the perilous rock and thus, saved them and their ships from drowning. (v) A ballad is a long narrative poem that tells a story. It is a heightened narration that uses narrative technique like rhyme and ? gures of speech. The two elements of ballad in the given extract are the following: (a) The rhyming pattern followed in this extract is aabb (Swell- Bell; Rock-Aberbrothok). (b) There is a repetition of consonant sound at the beginning of words (alliteration) to facilitate narration: 1. †¦.. surge’s swell 2. †¦.. then they II. (i) Sir Ralph was a rover or a sea pirate. He was a wicked and jealous man. (ii) The pleasant day in the spring season made the Rover sing. But the real reason was that in a such calm atmosphere he would be able to carry out his wicked plan of defaming the Abbot of Aberbrothok by cutting off the bell from the Inchcape Rock and thereby, loot the wealth from the shipwrecks. The given lines mean that the Rover’s heart was extremely joyful but his joy was due to his wicked plan. (iii) The Rover saw the buoy of the Inchcape Rock like a dark speck on the green ocean. He asked his sailors to lower the boat and row him to the Inchcape Rock. (iv) The Rover wanted to go near the Inchcape Rock to cut off the warning bell to spoil the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok, who has placed the bell there and to loot the wealth from the shipwrecks. (v) The Rover was in a joyful mood in the extract. His joyful mood is re? ected in the extract by his act of whistling and singing. At the end of the poem, the Rover was in a mood of despair and frustration. 9 III. (i) The boatmen rowed the boat to the Inchcape Rock. (ii) The Rover cut off the bell from the Inchcape Rock. He did so out of jealousy and self-interest. He wanted to spoil the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok, who has placed the bell there. It would also allow him to easily loot the wealth from the shipwrecks, caused by the Inchcape Rock. (iii) The Rover’s act of cutting the bell from the Inchcape Rock led to the collision of his ship with the rock and ? nally, the drowning of the ship with the Rover. (iv) After performing the wicked deed of cutting the bell from Inchcape Rock, the Rover said that from then onwards the mariners who used to thank the Abbot would no longer thank him. (v) The Abbot of Aberbrothok had kept the bell there. The bell was placed on the ? oat because the movement of the ? oat during the high tide would make the bell ring and warn the sailors of the danger from the rock. (vi) The sailors, passing by earlier, blessed the Abbot of Aberbrothok for placing the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock and thereby, saving them from the perilous rock. IV. (i) The Rover sailed away from the Inchcape Rock. He became rich by looting the wealth from the ships that struck against the Inchcape Rock. (ii) After amassing wealth, the Rover was sailing towards the shore  of Scotland. (iii) When the Rover was sailing, there was a thick haze over the atmosphere and no sun in the sky. There were strong winds and darkness all around. The weather conditions predicted that ?nally the Rover would meet his end in the sea. (iv) The Rover was a wicked man who was jealous of the fame and reputation of the Abbot of Aberbrothok. That is why he carried out his wicked plan of cutting off the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock, placed there by the Abbot. He was a robber who became rich by looting the wealth from the shipwrecks. (v) The Abbot was a kind and compassionate man, who placed a  warning bell on the Inchcape Rock to forewarn the sailors about the danger to their ships from the perilous rock. The Rover, on the other hand, was a jealous and wicked man, who cut off the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock to defame the Abbot and to loot the wealth from the shipwrecks. V. (i) When the Rover and his sailors were going towards the shore of Scotland, the weather was bad, with a thick haze over the atmosphere, no Sun in the sky and strong winds. THE INCHCAPE ROCK 10 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) (ii) The words â€Å"the breakers roar† mean the roaring of the sea waves, i. e. , the sound made when the sea waves break on the  shore. The breakers roar normally signify a high tide when the sea waves surge up and down with a great force. (iii) The sailors wished that they could hear the Inchcape Rock. The ringing of the bell would have indicated the presence of the perilous rock and thus saved the ship from colliding with it. (iv) The sailors could not see any land on the way to Scotland’s shore because of bad weather. There was a thick haze in the atmosphere and total darkness in the absence of the Sun in the sky. Sir Ralph was optimistic that the weather would improve by night when the moon would rise in the sky. (v) In the absence of the Inchcape Bell, no warning sound was heard by the sailors and the vessel struck against the Inchcape Rock. VI. (i) They could not hear any sound due to the absence of the warning bell on the Inchcape Rock, which the Rover had cut off. If the sailors had heard the normal expected sound of the warning bell from the Inchcape Rock, they would have saved the ship from striking against the rock. (ii) (a) the swell is strong: there are strong waves in the sea. (b) They drifted along: They moved slowly towards the shore. (iii) The vessel struck against the Inchcape Rock. It was a shivering  shock because the ship collided with the rock and the waves from all sides began to engulf it. (iv) Sir Ralph was in a state of despair and shock when he realised that his ship had struck against the Inchcape Rock. In his frustration, he pulled his hair and cursed himself. Sir Ralph’s ship struck the very rock from which he had removed the warning bell and sank in the sea. (v) Sir Ralph was a sea pirate. He was a wicked and jealous man. He used to loot wealth from the ships that fatally crashed against the Inchcape Rock. But when the Abbot of Aberbrothok placed a warning bell, he cut off the bell to defame the good Abbot  and put the other helpless sailors into trouble. However, he got caught in his own trap of mischief when his ship struck against the Inchcape Rock and sank in the sea alongwith him. (vi) The moral conveyed through this poem is—As you sow, so shall you reap. The Rover cut off the bell from the Inchcape Rock, but his own ship struck against the very Rock because of the absence of any warning sound and sank in the sea. 11 VII. (i) The Rover could hear the sound of his sinking ship, which seemed to him like the sound made by the Inchcape Bell. The sound was dreadful because there was no chance of surviving  the shipwreck. (ii) The sound of the Inchcape Bell was a forewarning of the danger from the perilous rock to the sailors and was thus life-saving. The dreadful sound, on the other hand was that of the sinking ship that signalled the end of Sir Ralph. Therefore, it appeared to be like a funeral bell being run by the Devil himself. (iii) The Devil below was ringing his knell mean that the sound which Sir Ralph was hearing appeared to him like the sound of the Inchcape bell. But actually the sound was that of the sinking ship. (iv) Sir Ralph, the Rover cut off the warning bell, which the Abbot of  Aberbrothok had planted on the Inchcape Rock as a forewarning to the sailors. But Sir Ralph’s own ship struck against the very rock due to the absence of any forewarning sound and drowned in the sea with Sir Ralph. Thus, the evil that Sir Ralph plotted for the Abbot and the other sailors, recoiled on him. (v) The Inchcape Rock is a ballad comprising adventure, valour and jealousy. Sir Ralph, the pirate, went on an adventure trip on the sea with his sailors. He had the valour to take the risk of cutting off the bell from the Inchcape Rock, which the Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed there to warn the sailors. He did this wicked act out of jealousy as he could not accept the popularity of the good Abbot and wanted to defame him. He also did so because of sel? sh motive as he used to make wealth by looting money from the ships that crashed after striking against the Inchcape Rock. I. (i) The merchants are in the bazaars of Hyderabad. They are selling their goods in the market. The words ‘Richly displayed’ mean that the goods to be sold in the market have been beautifully displayed by the merchants to attract the buyers. (ii) The goods on sale in this market included crimson and silver  turbans, purple brocade tunics, mirrors framed in brownish yellow colour and daggers with handles of jade. (iii) The poet begins the stanza with a question to elicit an answer from the vendors about the goods they are selling. This pattern IN THE BAZAARS OF HYDERABAD 12 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) of question-answer is used to bring out the splendour of the traditional bazaars of Hyderabad. The poet has used repetition as well as lyrics full of vibrant and colourful images to describe the scene. (iv) (a) Mirrors with panels of amber mean the mirrors having frames of brownish and yellow colour. (b) Scabbards of gold for the king mean sheaths of gold for the King to keep his swords in. (v) The King and his nobles are the likely customers of tunics of purple brocade and daggers with handles of jade. (vi) The visual imagery is stimulated by mentioning the various hues of colours in this stanza like silver, crimson, purple, amber and jade. II. (i) Chessmen are the pieces deployed on a chessboard for playing the game of chess. Ivory dice refers to small cubes made of ivory, having six sides numbered by dots from one to six. These are used to play games. (ii) Saffron, lentil, rice, sandalwood, henna and spices are sold by  weight, whereas chessmen and ivory dice are sold by numbers. (iii) The sellers of various goods in the bazaars of Hyderabad are referred to as vendors and merchants. The sellers, who go about from place to place with their goods for sale are called the pedlars. (iv) Food items included saffron, lentil and rice. Cosmetic items included sandalwood and henna and the recreational items included chessmen and ivory dice. (v) The senses of sight are stimulated in this extract by the various colours of the items like saffron, lentil, rice, sandalwood, henna and various spices. The sense of taste is produced by the mention  of staple Indian food like lentil and rice and spices. III. (i) The jeweller’s shop is referred to in the extract. ‘Girdles of gold’ mean ornamental belt made of gold worn round the waist by the dancers. ‘Scabbards of gold’ refer to the sheaths of gold for the king to keep his swords in. (ii) The items of gold on sale included ornaments like wristlets, anklets, rings, belts of gold worn by the dancers and sheaths for swords used by the kings. The gold jewellery reveals that both the owners and the buyers belonged to the wealthy sections of the society. 13 (iii) Bells were tied to the feet of blue pigeons as ornaments as well  as identity marks. Sheaths of gold were used by the kings, girdles (belts) were used by dancers and wristlets, anklets and rings were used by other people. (iv) â€Å"Frail as a dragon-? y’s wing† means as delicate as the wings of a dragon-? y. Frail is an apt description for describing the delicateness of the bells tied to the feet of blue pigeons. (v) The poet has described the Indian goods at the Indian bazaars for two reasons: (a) to depict the splendour of Indian bazaars which beckon the customers with their sounds, scents and goods. (b) to extoll the Indians to buy Swadeshi goods and boycott  foreign goods. IV. (i) The fruits included lemons, pomegranates and plums, whereas the musical instruments included sitar, sarangi and drum. (ii) The poet asks the musicians what musical instruments they are playing and asks the magicians what they are chanting. (iii) Spells for aeons to come mean the magical spells used by the magicians to charm everyone till eternity with their chanting. (iv) The whole poem is Indian in context and presentation as it depicts the beauty and vibrance of a traditional Indian bazaar. The landscape, the characters, the images and the background is typically Indian — such as: (a) the mention of dresses worn by Indians such as turbans and tunics. (b) the gold ornaments worn by Indians like wristlets, anklets, rings and girdles. (c) the musical instruments played by Indians like sitar, sarangi and drums. (d) the food items like lentil and rice and spices and fruits like lemons, pomegranates and plums. (e) the use of fresh ? owers on both happy and sad occasions. (v) The magicians are present in the bazaar for chanting magical spells to charm the customers. (vi) The panoramic view of the Indian bazaars presented in the poem with its hues of colour, sounds, smells and sights has appealed  to me the most because it gives a glimpse of the Indian culture, society and prosperity. IN THE BAZAARS OF HYDERABAD 14 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) V. (i) The poet has highlighted the occupation of simple folks in India like the merchants, pedlars, vendors, fruit sellers, goldsmiths, musicians, magicians and ? ower girls. (ii) The ? owers are used on happy occasions like wedding for making garlands for the bridegroom and to decorate his nuptial bed. The ? owers are used on sad occasions such as death to pay the last respects by placing ? owers on the dead bodies or the graves. (iii) Crowns, chaplets and garlands were used for making garlands for the bridegroom and for decorating his nuptial bed. (iv) ‘Tassels of azure and red’ mean ornamental threads of sky-blue and red colour tied at one end to make garlands and nuptial beds for the bridegroom. (v) â€Å"To perfume the sleep of the dead† mean to place sheets of freshly gathered ? owers on the dead bodies or on the graves, which give pleasant smell. I. (i) The soldier boy was sitting underneath a tree during the war because he was fatally wounded and could not get up. (ii) The soldier was sitting calmly because he was fatally injured  during the war, was thirsty and could not get any help from anybody around. (iii) The soldier asked the narrator to come near him because he was thirsty and needed a sip of water. (iv) The battle had been long and hard can be discerned from the deep craters in the earth and the number of dead bodies of the soldiers, which the narrator could see lying all around. (v) In the above extract, the poet wants to convey the horrors of war and the agony of the soldiers, who ? ght it out on the battle? eld. II. (i) The narrator has been referred to by the soldier as ‘Sir’. He was on the battle? eld at that time. (ii) The soldier, according to the narrator, ‘smiled as best he could’ to hide his pain and suffering from him. It shows the spirit of a soldier, who gives up his life for his country, with a smile on his face. 15 (iii) The soldier wanted â€Å"A sip of water† because he was thirsty and fatigued for he had fought a long and tough battle throughout the night and was fatally wounded. (iv) The soldier could not take any rest because he had been ? ghting continuously day and night against the enemy. It tells us about the horrors of war and pain and suffering the soldiers had to endure on the battle? eld. (v) The soldier was having a pain in his chest because of the wound he had sustained during the ? ght on the battle? eld. Being a true soldier, who considers everything smaller than his duty for his country, the soldier called it as ‘small pain’. Further, in comparison to the soldiers, who had received larger wounds and had succumbed to their injuries on the battle? eld, his was a small pain. III. (i) The large stain on the soldier’s shirt was caused by a wound he received while ? ghting on the battle? eld. (ii) ‘warm blood mixed in with Asian dirt’ refers to the blood oozing  out from the wounds of the soldier and mixing with the dirt of the Asian soil as the war was being fought in Asia. (iii) By saying â€Å"Not much†, the soldier wanted to say that his wound was nothing in comparison to the wounds suffered by his fellow soldiers, who succumbed to their injuries. He said so because he was still alive. (iv) The soldier considered himself more lucky than his fellow soldiers because they died of the injuries sustained during the war, while he was still alive. IV. (i) The soldier was feeling weak and said that his weakness must be due to fatigue. His fatigue was caused by ? ghting day and  night on the battle? eld. (ii) The soldier smiled weakly because he had sustained fatal wounds and was in pain. It shows that though the soldier was in pain, he was trying to hide his suffering in the true spirit of a soldier. (iii) The soldier felt that he was getting old because he found himself weak and fatigued after battling it out on the warfront. (iv) The soldier felt cold despite the shining sun because the light of his life was fading, i. e. , he was about to die due to the fatal wounds that he had received on the battle? eld. (v) ‘The night exploded’ means that an explosion took place at night. As a result of the explosion the soldier got fatal wounds on his SMALL PAIN IN MY CHEST 16 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) body, whereas a number of his fellow soldiers died because of the injuries sustained during the explosion. V. (i) The narrator described the soldier’s smile as the brightest that he has ever seen because the soldier wanted to express his gratitude to the narrator for providing water to him as well as to hide the pain he was enduring. (ii) The soldier was suffering from fatal physical injuries sustained during the explosion at night on the battle ? eld. Due to these injuries he was feeling physically weak and fatigued. (iii) The soldier considered it silly to be defeated by a small pain in his chest because he was a young, healthy man, full of energy and enthusiasm, who could have defeated even death. (iv) The soldier felt ashamed of himself to think about his wife’s reaction when she would see her husband, a strong and grown up man, sitting there defeated. He felt that his mother would never have imagined during his childhood that one day his son would be sitting on the battle? eld, defeated by a small pain in his chest. (v) ‘HERE’ refers to the battle? eld. The soldier was undergoing a mental pain at the thought of the reaction his wife and mother would have on seeing him sitting defeated on the battle? eld. VI. (i) The soldier felt that it was getting dark earlier than it used to be because the light of his life was fading, as he was slowly losing consciousness because of the fatal injuries sustained on the battle? eld and seeing the darkness all around him. (ii) ‘He’ refers to the soldier. He winced up at the sun with an expression of pain on his face to ? nd out why was it getting  dark so early despite the shining sun. (iii) (a) In the given line, the soldier told the narrator that before he would start his journey further, he would like to take a little rest. It signi? es the soldier’s spirit to continue his duty after taking little rest. It is also symbolic of the ? nal journey, i. e. , death, towards which the soldier was heading. (b) The narrator said â€Å"I think I must have cried†. He said so because he could not recall what was his reaction when the wounded soldier died in front of his eyes. It signi? es that the narrator was petri?  ed on seeing the horrifying death of the soldier. (iv) When the narrator pulled the soldier towards himself he felt the wound in his chest and the gravity of the pain the soldier was enduring. 17 (v) The narrator said that he had a large wound in his heart compared to the small one in the soldier’s heart because he was hurt by the suffering of the dead soldier, and felt the guilt on the part of humanity at not being able to give up war and thereby, end the suffering of the soldiers. VII. (i) The expression ‘Asian dirt’ means Asian soil and this indicates that the war was fought in Asia. The two hardships experienced by the soldier included: (a) The physical pain caused by the fatal wounds sustained on the battle? eld. (b) The emotional agony at being lonely and surrounded by dead bodies and the thought of his family’s reaction on seeing him defeated. (ii) Despite sustaining fatal injuries during the war, the soldier did not leave the battle? eld because he considered it at his duty to continue the ? ght till the end and die smiling while performing his duty in the true spirit of a soldier. (iii) The phrase â€Å"a small pain in my chest† is a refrain which is  repeated throughout the poem to emphasise the pain and suffering a soldier undergoes on the battle? eld. (iv) Yes, indeed the poem has a poignant ending. It makes the readers—(i) feel the agony a soldier endures on the battle? eld; and (ii) realise the horrors of war and the need to give up wars for the sake of humanity. (v) Small Pain in My Chest is an anti-war poem that describes the horrors of war and conveys the message to shun hatred and warfare. I. (i) The speaker wants to say that all his children, i. e. , his sons are economically well off and his two daughters are happily married. (ii) By saying, â€Å"Both have cars†, the speaker wants to convey that both his sons are well off and have a status in society. It conveys that in Indian society the worth of an individual is measured more by his ? nancial status than anything else. (iii) The â€Å"other† is a reference for the speaker’s third son. The speaker says that he is not doing â€Å"so well† because in comparison to his THE PROFESSOR 18 TEACHERS’ HANDBOOK (ICSE POEMS) other two sons, who have managerial jobs and are economically well off, he is not as successful as they are. (iv) By saying, â€Å"Every family must have black sheep†, the speaker  intends to say that in every family there is a person, who is different from the rest of the family and is an embarrassment to the family. The speaker considered his third son as the black sheep in his family because he was not as well off as his other two sons. (v) The extract shows that Indians value economic success more than academic success through the speaker’s attitude, who measures the success of his two sons by their managerial jobs and the cars they owned. II. (i) Sarala and Tarala are the speaker’s daughters. The practice of giving rhyming names to the siblings like ‘Sarala and Tarala’ is shown in this extract. (ii) The speaker says that his two daughters ‘Sarala and Tarala’ are happily married to nice boys. The speaker’s comment about the marriage of Sarala and Tarala hints at the gender bias prevalent in Indian society, which considers the success of a man by his economic status and a woman’s by getting married to a nice boy. (iii) By saying, â€Å"How many issues you have†, the speaker wants to enquire from his student about the number of children he has. He is directing this question to his former student. (iv) In reply to his former student’s remark that he has three children, the speaker says â€Å"That is good†. The speaker considers his student having three children as â€Å"good†. (v) The speaker is not against family planning. The irony in this statement is the fact that though the speaker says that he is not against family planning, yet he feels proud at having eleven grandchildren. (vi) The poem The Professor is a satire on the urban Indian way of life as it satirises: (a) the urban Indian society, which measures the success of a man by his economic success rather than his academic excellence. (b) gender bias present in Indian society which believes that woman should be happily married and con? ned within the.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Entrance Test: Faculty of Health Sciences Essay

Date and venue of the test centres have been indicated on the Admit Card. Applicants should indicate one centre of their choice in the space provided in the Application Form. In case the Admit Card does not reach you on time, you are advised to take the Test at a convenient Centre bringing a photocopy of the application form and photo ID with you for identification. The University has not authorized any publications or any preparatory classes for this Test. Structure of the Test The total duration of the admission test would be 2 hours and 30 minutes All questions carry equal marks, there is no negative marking. The test paper is divided into various sections comprising multiple choice questions. Distribution of the questions in various sections is as follows: Section I This section comprises two components which aim to test competency in the English language: Component 1: 30 multiple choice questions to test structure, cohesion and vocabulary. Component 2: a summative paragraph from notes which will be provided. The time given to complete Section I will be 1 hour and 15 minutes. There will be no negative marking for this section. Section II II A. This section will comprise 20 multiple choice questions in Biological Sciences The time given to complete this section is 30 minutes. II B. This section will also comprise 20 multiple choice questions in Mathematics. Candidates will be given 30 minutes to complete this section. II C. This section will also include 10 multiple choice questions to ascertain their Logical reasoning skills. The time given to complete this section is 15 minutes. hP D in Health Scienc se 2010 The Aga Khan University Medical College Faculty of Health Sciences Answering MCQs The candidates are expected to attempt all questions, selecting the correct answer by darkening the corresponding box in the given answer sheet, e. g. if D is the correct answer for a question, your answer should be marked as under: A B C D Please Note: – Use a dark pencil to make dark marks – To change an answer, erase completely Discipline The University expects honesty from applicants. Dishonest behaviour during the Test or violation of instructions given by the examiner will result in irrevocable disqualification of the applicant from entering the selection process. SECTION I English  Component I: Structure, Cohesion and Vocabulary Directions: Each passage below has ten numbered gaps, each gap indicating that something has been omitted. Read the entire text carefully and then look at the possible answers A, B, C or D below to complete the gap. Choose the option for each gap that best fits the meaning of the sentence or passage as a whole. Example Imagine that you have arrived at a leading Asian university to take part in a study of learning and memory. You go into a room †¦. 1†¦. thirty year-old biology lecturer, the experimenter, whose demeanour is rather stern. The other person in the room is also there to take part in the experiment. He is a rotund forty-five year old accountant who is mild mannered and likeable. The experimenter †¦. 2†¦. the effects of punishment on learning. It is decided, apparently by drawing lots, that the accountant will be the learner and you will be the teacher. You all go into an adjacent room where the learner is strapped into an â€Å"electric chair† apparatus and an electrode†¦.. 3†¦. wrist. You are told that the electrode is connected to a nearby shock generator unit. 1. A. and you met a B. and are met by a  C. where you stand next to D. where stands 2. A. is less likeable but serious in terms of B. has been discovered through C. says that he is interested to study D. tells you that he is interested in studying 3. A. is attached to his B. attaches tightly on his C. is attached by virtue of the D. can be attached through the Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. A Component II: Writing Claim: Observation of glaciers suggests a pattern of global warming during the last 150 years. 1. During the most recent Ice Age, about 18,000 years ago, glaciers buried nearly a third of the world’s land area. 2. Glaciers form when more snow falls in the winter than melts during the following summer: when glacier ice reaches a critical thickness of at least 60 feet, it becomes plastic and begins to move downhill, propelled by its own weight and the forces of gravity. 3. Because of the way they form and evolve, glaciers are extremely sensitive to, and representative of, world climate changes. 4. In 1850, Glacier National Park in the USA had 150 glaciers; in 2002 there were 26. 5. Between 1500 and 1850, temperatures dropped globally in a phenomenon known as the Little Ice Age. 6. The Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas, which forms a mass of ice 18 miles long, has been retreating since measurements began in 1842. The rate of retreat was around 62 feet per year between 1935 and 1971: it has now doubled. 7. Cold melt water from glaciers helps maintain stream flows in the Indus river system in late summer, when rains are scarce and winter snows have melted. 8. The Gangotri ends in a â€Å"snout†, an ice cave which is the source of the Bhagirathi River where millions of pilgrims yearly swim in the freezing waters to cleanse themselves of sin. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ POSSIBLE ANSWER: Observation of glaciers suggests a pattern of global warming during the last 150 years. Since glaciers are useful indicators of any changes that have been taking place in the world’s climate, studying the increase or decrease in the number and size of the world’s glaciers over the last 150 years should give us a clear idea about what has been happening to temperatures in the world over this same period. Two facts related to glaciers provide evidence that temperatures across the globe have become warmer. Directions: Using only the relevant information from the facts supplied below, write a one paragraph  argument for the following claim. Firstly, in 1850, there were 150 glaciers in Glacier National Park in the USA but by 2002 this number had decreased to only 26. Secondly, from the time that measurements began in 1842, the Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas has been retreating. From 1935 to 1971, the rate was 62 feet per year, but from 1971 to the present day, the rate of retreat has doubled. These observations strongly indicate that the world has been undergoing a period of global warming over the last 150 years. SECTIONII A. Biological Sciences Example 1 Questions: Decrease in the rate of diffusion of a substance across  the plasma membrane will occur due to increase in A. its concentration gradient B. surface area of membrane C. membrane thickness D. temperature A B C D Example 2 Repolarisation of a nerve action potential is du e to A. Na+/K+ ATPase pump B. increased permeability to Na+ C. increased efflux of K+ D. opening of Ca++-channels A B C D Example 3 The synthesis of a protein chain from an RNA molecule occurs through the process of: A. cell cycle B. replication C. translation D. semi-conservative replication A B C D Example 4 Based on the amount of genetic material that they contain, sex cells are said to be: A. diploid B. autosomal  C. haploid D. X-linked A B C D B. Mathematics Example 1 If x2 + y2 = 18 and xy = 4 then (x+y)2 = A. 28 B. 26 C. 24 D . 22 A B C D E xample 2 Seema is 15 years older than Kiran. In 10 years, Seema will be twice an old as Kiran. How old is A. 5 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 A B C D E xample 3 If y is not 0 or 1, what is the reciprocal of 1/(y-1/y) A. y/y2+1 B. y/y2-1 C. y2-1 D. y2-1/y A B C D C. Logical Reasoning E xample 1 Direction: Each passage in the section is followed by question based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is  stated implied in that passage. Student at the College of Natural Science must complete a total of twelve courses selected from three different general area – humanities, natural science, and social science – in order to graduate. The student must meet the following course distribution requirement: I). Atleast six of the required twelve courses must be from natural sciences II). Atleast five of the required twelve courses must be from humanities and social science, with at least one, but no more than three, selected from humanities. Questions: If students have completed six natural science  courses, all the following are possible groups of courses that fulfill the course distribution requirement EXCEPT: A. three humanities courses and three social science courses B. two humanities course and four social science courses C. one humanities course, one natural science course, and four social science courses D. one humanities course, two natural science courses, and three social sciences courses A B C D 12. required in order to fulfill the courses distribution A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 A B C D 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Seema now? 10. 11. The minimum number of social science courses requirement is:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Concentration of enzymes Essay

CONCLUSION: Based on the results obtained from the experiment it can be concluded that the concentration of enzymes influences the rate of a chemical reaction. If enzyme concentration is decreased then the reaction rate will also decrease. If there is sufficient enzyme to bind with substrate then the reaction will proceed fast and if there are insufficient enzymes present then the reaction will slow down DISCUSSION: It was predicted that with the increase of concentration of amylase solution, the time took to break down starch would decrease . This was proved correct , if basing on just these trials . The graph shows how with every single increase of the concentration , the amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution disappear decreased. This continually happened , without any outliers. The trend-line of the graph shows the predicted linear line in the relationship between concentration of amylase solution and the amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution. The amount of drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution with a amylase concentration of 0.1% was found to be 12 drops, which was plotted on the graph. It can be presumed that a higher concentration of amylase is better because it does not take much time to break down the polysaccharide chains and a higher concentration helps to speed up this process. The amylase concentration of 0.1% took only 12 drops until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour, while the amylase concentration of 0.05% took 21 drops , the amylase concentration of 0.025% took 24 drops and the amylase concentration of 0.01% took 28 drops. Because the purpose of an enzyme is to speed up a reaction, it is logical that amylase would have a higher concentration so it can take less time for it to do its purpose. At higher amylase concentration the time taken until the mixture fails to give a blue-black colour with iodine solution. Despite this, there are sources of error that need to be acknowledge. The trial proved difficult for some, sometimes yielding no results. Another source may be the mixing of the concentration.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Effect of imperialism

Imperialism is when a mother nation takes over another nation and become its colony for political, social, and economical reasons. Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors (mother country) and the oppressed (colony), majorly occurring during the late 19th and early 20th century. It had more negative effects than positive effects due to its domination to other nations. Documents 1 and 5 show how imperialism should work over politics and their benefits over the colonies while documents 2 and 7 show some beneficial effects of imperialism for the colonies.Documents 3, 8, 10, and 12 are different from the other documents in that they show the unfair way that the Englishmen treated their colonies, which can be described as one of the negative effects of imperialism. Documents 4 and 6 demonstrate how racist the â€Å"white men† were to their colonies, leading to another negative effect. And last, documents 9 and 11 explain why a nation must be controlled by another nation. And additional document that show the negative effects of imperialism of how the mother country exploited the colonies would be an article about why the Taiping rebellion occurred and the causes of the Boxer rebellion.Imperialism had some positive effects regardless of how strict and unfair it was. Some positive effects can be seen in documents 2 and 7, which talks about what the mother nation gave to their colonized nations. These oppressors built them roads, canals, railways, and gave them education. They also introduced to them telegraphs, newspapers, and overall made them economized. Another positive effect can be read on documents 1 and 5.These documents show how both the oppressors and oppressed benefit from getting new resources such as raw materials and food from one another, excluding what is said on document 1 about the white man’s rule over the â€Å"inferior races†. Imperialism experience negative effects too. As for the negative effects, some can b e read on documents 3, 8, 10, and 12. As you can see, in these documents the oppressors’ hard work did not really civilized the oppressed, just as shown on document 3, instead, they were put to work as cheap labor, like shown on document 8 and 10.They were tricked by the mother country, they had no freedom, they were exploited and were taken advantage of, and they had to do just as told, just like as shown on document 12. On document 4, another negative effect is seen. In this quote, the author talks about how the whites came and killed the innocent, which later on had many negative effects on the people of Africa. Document 6 describes the â€Å"Britons racism† and power by saying that the white race from Britain is the finest and most honorable race the world possesses.The last negative effect is illustrated on documents 9 and 11, which share a common idea that a nation can only be colonized for their better good. This is a negative effect of imperialism because just as shown on document 11, if the U. S has the right to hold onto the Philippines, then they are just imitating the basis of imperialism and can lead to an outcome similar to the one shown on document 9 â€Å"the white man’s burden†. Imperialism can’t be considered as a good cause and effect because, at first it may be seen as a positive effect, but in the long run, just like in this case, it ends becoming more of a negative effect.All Africans and Asians were exploited and were given no rights to do anything even thought the mother countries gave them modern culture. Colonies would have to fight wars for independence and to have their own rules. The mother country just took over other nations just to get a few things, which unfortunately they did. They wanted raw materials, markets for goods, national glory, balance of power and they also felt as though they needed to help smaller nations like if it was their burden, which Europeans called it the â€Å"white man ’s burden†. Mother countries were destroying ethnic groups and causing civil wars between smaller nations.Modern imperialism can be described that is was never good. When a nation took over a smaller nation for economic, political, or social reason, they were imperialistic, creating the oppressors and oppressed system of the mother and colonized nations. As expected they changed the modern world plenty and pretty much made it a harder world to live during that time. It depends on a person’s point of view. Some may think it was positive overall, but it only led to things in this world that were negative. Even though modern imperialism occurred more than 100 years ago, it still affects us on how our nations were broken down.